3.0 is not released yet, you can only get 2.99 development versions.

You get them from Github:


Click on "Clone or Download" button on the right and then "Download Zip"

This is for the latest release, you can get older ones if you know the commit ID

On 21/09/17 05:51, David Liontooth wrote:

I followed David Marteau's very helpful instructions for building QGIS3 at https://www.3liz.com/blog/rldhont/index.php?post/2017/06/01/How-to-build-qgis-on-OSX-with-MacPort, on a Sierra OS X with all updates and a current MacPorts installation.

I needed to add these dependencies:

    lbzip2 py36-setuptools

Where can I find QGIS 3.0 source files? I downloaded http://qgis.org/downloads/qgis-latest.tar.bz2, but that's qgis-2.18.13.

I also tried https://github.com/wonder-sk/QGIS/archive/3d-2.zip, using Marteau's makefile, replacing spaces with tabs. Cmake didn't find libzip, so I modified

    cmake/FindLibZip.cmake txt2tags

to include the paths to MacPort's libzip package (/opt/local/..).

However, there's a syntax error relating to the 3D features, reported separately.

Is there a mainline version of QGIS3 we can test build, just to get ready for the release?


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