Am 20.10.2017 um 14:31 schrieb Tyler Veinot:
Anyone knowledge in using grid shift files (gsb) with QGIS?
I have a local CRS NAD27 Double Stereographic Imperial that I need to
transform to NAD83 CSRS 2010 Epoch. I have the CRS properly defined using
the provincial description

Can you add your custom CRS? Maybe you have +datum=nad27 which uses the main nadcon transformation file. use +ellps=clrk66 +nadgrids=/path/to/your/file

 but QGIS using its Clark 1866 to GRS80
transformation puts the points a little off from the NTV2 coordinate
transformation software we have. I have the GSB used (even though it says
ATS77 the provincial geomatics guys tell me it shits NAD27 and ATS77 into
CSRS 2010 NAD83). I followed some directions on putting the file in a
specific folder and restarted QGIS set the settings to always ask for grid
shift file for transformations yet I do not see the one I put in there in
my list to pick from.

Can you explain where that setting should be?

I also tried to install a plugin for NTV2 transformations but cannot
activate it. When I go to Activate Additional Providers in my Processing
Toolbox where NTv2 Datum Transformations resides I get the "Specified Path
does not exist: C:\PROGA~1\QGIS~1.18\bin" error that I have not yet managed
to resolve. To my understanding has something to do with GRASS plugins and
past versions of QGIS.

You can workaround that GRASS error by creating that folder, or changing the folder entry for GRASS 7 to an existing folder. But to use your grid in the plugin, you would need some python code around it, like the other grids have in C:\Users\<username>\.qgis2\python\plugins\ntv2_transformations
Without that processing would not know about your grid.

André Joost

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