I downloaded some sample and there was a cpg-file (open in text editor) telling me UTF-8. That would be the other way round, from System to UTF-8 then.
So best check for those cpg-files.


Am 05.11.2017, 20:58 Uhr, schrieb Andre Joost <andre+jo...@nurfuerspam.de>:

Am 05.11.2017 um 17:12 schrieb Tilemachos Moymoyris:
Greetings from Greece,I would like to ask a very common question
about greek and attribute table. I run win10 32bit and Qgis 2.18.14.
When i download shapefiles from geodata.gov.gr i am not able to view
names in attribute table in greek. I get only questionmarks. I have
tried changing the encoding when opening the file and also i have
tried to open the dbf file and change the encoding there. I cannot
view neither in the dbf file the correct characters.

In the layers properties, you have to change the encoding from "System" or "utf-8" to "Greek" or "ISO-8859-7".

André Joost

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