
So everything in the capture below of the Raster calculator should work? I 
cannot find any output.

I’m in Perth, Australia so home now and away from the office and QGIS, but 
would like to get it working tomorrow.

How do apply a grayscale to a raster? As I said, I’m new to QGIS

Chas Sheen


From: Micha Silver [mailto:tsvi...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2018 8:39 PM
To: Chas Sheen <chassheen...@gmail.com>; qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] Generating black white from RGB landsat using Raster 
Map calculator?


Hello Chas

On 01/17/2018 01:52 PM, Chas Sheen wrote:



I should have made my initial query clearer.

I am trying to output a black and white geotiff.

It's still not clear what you are asking. AFAIK, there's no such thing as a 
"black and white geotiff". You can apply any color table you want to any 
raster. You can apply a gray scale to any of the landsat bands.


If you are trying to create a new raster from the three RGB bands using some 
expression, that should work. You can use either of three tools: the built in 
QGIS raster calculator, or thru the Processing toolbox there's SAGA Raster 
calculus and the GRASS module r.mapcalculator. 


Again, none of this has anything to do with coloring. After running the raster 
calculator, you can color the result with a gray scale color table, a red color 
table, or any other color ramp you choose.



Have split the original (landsat) image into RGB images.

When I apply the expression in the capture below, and hit run, nothing is saved 
to the results directory.

I’m assuming that my expression or something else in the raster calculator is 

The final product that I’m after is a xyz grid where z is the black-white 
amplitude…which I think should be relatively easy (?) once I have the 
black-white image.

After you running the calculator expression, then you can save the result in 
many formats, including gridded XYZ, ArcINFO ASCII, or many others, using the 
gdal_translate tool. This is under the Raster->Conversion menu.



Chas Sheen



From: Richard McDonnell [mailto:richard.mcdonn...@opw.ie] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2018 7:13 PM
To: Chas Sheen  <mailto:chassheen...@gmail.com> <chassheen...@gmail.com>; 
qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org <mailto:qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org> 
Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] Generating black white from RGB landsat using Raster 
Map calculator?


Two options for splitting RGB into separate images in QGIS.

1.      Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin, Preprocessing, Split Raster Bands
2.      Grass r-rgb (Processing Toolbox)

Any one of these tools will split the Raster for you easy enough


On 17/01/2018 00:48, Chas Sheen wrote:

I split the image into R, G, B

Worked out in QGIS wher the Raster map calculator is.

Run...several times

No result foud in Results Directory. It runs quickly then refreshes inputs and 
logs to blanks.

I'm new to QGIS....so have probably left out something basic.

Any clues


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Richard McDonnell
GIS Specialist PgD GIS AssocSCSI
OPW FRM Data Management
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