Hi all,

I’m working with (1) a CSV file containing columns of “lat” and “lon” which 
represent grid cell centroids from a gridded model product over California 
(“loca_lat_lon.csv”), and (2) a shape file that carves up California into 12 
distinct subregions (“CC4a_RegionsSub.shp”).

These files can be accessed here:


I am trying to determine which grid cells reside in each of the 12 subregions 
(or NA/NULL if outside all subregions) using Vector -> Data Management Tools -> 
Join Attributes by Location. I have specified my Target vector layer as 
loca_lat_lon.csv, the Join vector layer as CC4a_RegionsSub.shp, the Geometric 
predicate as “intersects”, and am taking attributes of the first located 
feature, and only keeping matching records.

The issue is that the returned joined layer assigns just 1 of the 12 
subregions, “Sierra Nevada Mountains”, to all grid cells, rather than different 
subregions (or None) to the cells.

The shape file has a CRS of NAD83/California Albers and the coordinates in the 
CSV file are simply WGS 84. I’ve tried resetting the latter CRS to 
NAD83/California Albers, but the same issue persists.

I’m using QGIS 2.18.14.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!


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