------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------
Von: "Saber Razmjooei" <saber.razmjo...@lutraconsulting.co.uk>
An: "Bernd Vogelgesang" <bernd.vogelges...@gmx.de>

Maybe you can use a mobile/tablet device with (Q)GIS to collect data, so no need to georeferencing and digitizing.

Maybe "I" could use mobile devices for that job. But I am talking about a species called "biologists" which is doing that work, with century-old habits ;)
So paper is a must, digital tools are goodies on top.



On 3 Feb 2018 16:22, "Bernd Vogelgesang" <bernd.vogelges...@gmx.de> wrote:
Hi folks,

I am facing a project, where I will produce hundreds of field maps with atlas from lots of small locations, which get printed for >surveyors to fill in observations in the field. Getting them returned, I need to scan them, georeference them and finally digitize the features found. Alone thinking of the process of georeferencing all those scans (which might only have tiny offsets and shifts because of lousy >scanners) make me wish to have chosen another profession ...

So here is the idea:
An atlas plugin, that will automatically distribute minimum 6 cross-hairs (or other automatically identifiable features) around >your atlas canvas. A QR-Code is generated, which holds the coordinates, EPSG and name of the atlasfeature, and which is put in some restricted area >of the composer map.
Maps are printed, processed and scanned afterwards.
Batch-import all scans.
Another function reads the QR-Code of the scan, identifies to locator features, gives them the proper coordinates and >automatically creates georeferenced tiff/png/jpg with the name of the atlas feature.

Sounds like a dream, but I think there should be enough dreamers around to make this one true.

Any ideas if this will work, and how to start this endeavour?


--Bernd Vogelgesang
Siedlerstraße 2
91083 Baiersdorf/Igelsdorf
Tel: 09133-825374
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Bernd Vogelgesang
Siedlerstraße 2
91083 Baiersdorf/Igelsdorf
Tel: 09133-825374
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