No, you should download the specified SDK version, 5.3.  Since it's C++, it's 
easy to get missing symbol errors, even if the API doesn't change.

Note that the latest plugin has updated instructions, including the corrected 
download link.

> On Mar 12, 2018, at 5:19 AM, Dave Pepper <> wrote:
> Hi 
> After reading QGIS user archive here and 
> <>
> I see that this problem of reading ecw files in QGIS has some history.
> My latest attempt was to reinstall GDAL_Framework-2.1.3-1 and 
> GDAL-ECW_Plugin-2.1.3-1
> from here 
> <>
> and I added the library "libNCSEcw.dylib" to GDAL 2.1 Libraries folder from 
> ERDAS ECW/JPEG2000 SDK 5.4 rather than 5.3 
> I figured that the library file probably didn't change between 5.3 and 5.4 
> versions.
> I even restarted my Mac OS X 10.11.6
> restarted QGIS 2.18
> opened a new project and tried to load my raster file in .ecw format
> ERROR: Unsupported Data Source: /Users/s432198/Dropbox/Mudgee veg/abc1.ecw is 
> not a supported raster data source
> This should work so I must be doing something wrong?
> Dave
> On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 3:37 PM, Dave Pepper < 
> <>> wrote:
> Hi All
> update - I've made progress
> tip: go to bottom right corner of this support home page,
> <>
> to see this:
> Hexagon Geospatial
> Product Download Portal <>click the link to get 
> to this page,
> <>
> search for ERDAS ECW JPEG2000 SDK
> fill in the form of details
> download the zip folder
> Then follow the Readme file with the GDAL ECW Plugin from 
> <>
> So I did all that, now how do I load this external (?) plugin and use it to 
> open a file?
> Dave
> PS thanks you can see above I eventually got there
> On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 12:11 PM, Dave Pepper < 
> <>> wrote:
> Hi
> I've ploughed through the archives and read up to minute information to 2016 
> on ECW.
> I reinstalled QGIS with all requirements from 
> <>
> I installed ECW Plugin 2.1.1-2 from 
> <>..
> then went looking for ERDAS ECW/JPEG2000 SDK at 
> <> but that site has 
> changed...and I explored there but could not find the SDK. Maybe things have 
> progressed since 2016-9-29 the date on the GDAL ECW Plugin ReadMe.
> So I wonder where can I now find the the libNCSEcw.dylib file to copy to the 
>    /Library/Application Support/GDAL/2.1/Libraries  ?
> Or is there another work around so that I can open eww files in QGIS 2.18 on 
> Mac OS X 10.11.6 ?
> Thanks for any tips
> Dave
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William Kyngesburye <kyngchaos*at*kyngchaos*dot*com>

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