Hi Tyler

On Wed, Jun 20, 2018 at 4:01 PM, Tyler Veinot <tylerkvei...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All;
> I have been experimenting with the 3D viewer in QGIS3 and was wondering how
> the ZM values are interpreted or if they are at all. When I tested with the
> points and polygons it looked like the Z was interpreted as a extrusion or
> height; but when I measure all objects seem to be the same size regardless
> of M value can someone verify if a M value is interpreted at all in the 3D
> view?

Z values are interpreted as elevation - this should work for points,
linestrings and polygons.
M values are not interpreted.

> Another question, for polygons I can use fields to define things like,
> extrusion, elevation, scale, etc...  but I cannot for points or lines in 3D;
> I was sure I could do this in the 3.0.0 build (currently at 3.0.3). Is
> adding this capability something that is being looked into for future
> versions?

Right, this is not implemented yet. Hopefully it will be added
sometime soon, but there is no roadmap for that...

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