Hi Carlos,

I think that's an excellent (implied) suggestion.

I know that FME has basically no frame-work for testing "workspaces" (FME's equivalent of QGIS' "models") which makes development somewhat hap-hazard. If QGIS had one, it would certainly be a leg-up over the industry leader in this area. Last time I used it ArcGIS didn't either, but that was quite a while ago.

To answer the question - I believe at present with QGIS (and ArcGIS too), you could export the model to Python and then do conventional unit-tests that way. But it's a clunky way of doing it.

To me at least this seems like it would be well suited to being added to QGIS. It's not "sexy", but it's definitely useful.



On 2018-07-04 07:55, Carlos Cámara wrote:
Dear all,

I am just starting with QGIS' processing to create some complex model which makes quite a lot of changes and I would like to know if there is a way to test my own model while launching it, so if the tests fail, I can get a notification and I will know that something went wrong before I realize too late and I have to lose any changes I made after executing the model with unexpected results.


I am doing several joins and spatial joins. I learnt the hard way that after triggering several times my model, every time I was joining layers, new fields were added with a |_1| appended to them in order not to overwrite the previously created fields by mistake when I repeated the model. It would be great to have some test that either checked all the layer's fields or counted its number and, if they weren't as expected, triggered an alarm/dialog box or created a log file.


Carlos Cámara

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