Hi Juerg,

I've looked into this and suspect the problem is actually with the configuration of the server.

This URL gets the GetCapabilities document and works:


If you look in the document you'll see that it's declaring the following URL as being for GetCapabilities:
<ows:Operation name="GetCapabilities">
<ows:Get xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="https://map.geo.sz.ch/main/mapserv?"/> <ows:Post xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="https://map.geo.sz.ch/main/mapserv?"/>

Note the lack of "_proxy". In fact, if you search the document the string "_proxy" doesn't appear anywhere. But if you try that declared URL, you get a 403 - Forbidden:

So I suspect (this is a guess) that QGIS 3 is trying to ("correctly") use the declared URLs for the services, whereas QGIS 2 was ignoring them and extrapolating them based on the base URL path. Which of these options is desirable is a tricky one - there are situations whether either work or don't.

Unfortunately the service doesn't declare any contact information to tell the server operator to fix it. But maybe you can find an email on their web-page.


On 29/08/2018 07:34, Juerg Lindauer wrote:

I want to connect to a wfs with QGIS 3.2.2 on Win10.


When i connect to the wfs, i get the layer list.  But when i want to
put any layer to QGIS, i get the following error message:

2018-08-24T14:32:03 WARNING DescribeFeatureType Netzwerkanfrage schlug
für URL IgnoreAxisOrientation='1' srsname='EPSG:3857'
version='auto' table="" sql= fehl: Herunterladen des Objekttyps
gescheitert: Error transferring
- server replied: Forbidden

2018-08-24T14:32:03 WARNING Herunterladen des Objekttyps gescheitert:
Error transferring
- server replied: Forbidden

I see that the URL in 'Error transferring' is different to the
connection URL. After /mapserv  the string _proxy is missing.
In the earlier 2.18 Version the wfs connection is ok without troubles.
Is there a bug in 3.2.2 with connections they have an _ in the last part
of the URL?
Has anbody a hint? Other connections wfs works fine. I have the
problems only with the URL above.


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