Hi Christian

On 12-10-18 08:53, Schmidt Christian wrote:
Hello QGIS-community,

We are quite new to working with PostGIS in QGIS 3.2.0, so we have some usability-questions…

In the Autodesk world (don't hit me 😉) there is a feature called "create object from geometry". What it does, is to create a new database-object from an existing selected geometry. After creating the object
you enter the attributes needed and commit it to the database.

Is there any similar feature in QGIS? Is there any possibility to conviniently copy db-objects from table to table?

I think you can set that db layer to editable and then copy-paste selected features from other layers to it. Attributes with the same field name and type will be copied, others you can enter by manually afterwards.

We tried db-manager, but it was just good for importing/exporting data, though it's possible to import data from a temporary Qgis layer.

But then we have problems with shortened attribute names in our temporary layers. So, is there any way to get/preserve long attribute-names in analysis? For ex. If we use "union" or "intersect" our input-attributes (from PostGIS) are shortened to shape-file-limit (10 characters?) thus it's quite time-consuming
to get data back into the database.

Don't use shapefiles for this, that is where the fild name length limit is. Try a memory layer instead. Or if you need to save is, try geopackage (gpkg).

Thx for your worthy hints, best regards from switzerland.

Good luck and regards from The Netherlands! :)

*Christian Schmidt
*Stv. Geschäftsleiter**

M.Sc. Photogrammetrie u. Geoinformatik

Bahnhofstrasse 40

5401 Baden

Telefon: +41 56 210 39 60

Mobile:  +41 78 684 70 09

Email: c.schm...@relis.ch <mailto:c.schm...@relis.ch>

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