On 13/01/2019 13:19, Wouter Impens wrote:
> Hi Rutger, 
> I don't know if it's the most efficient way, but I would import the
> image rather as a raster and use de Gdal georeferencer plugin to put it
> in the right place.
> Then you could use de raster to polygon tool to change into a shapefile.

If you can use GRASS7 commands from within the
QGIS Processing extension, then you have these

- v.transform - if you know the parameters of
  the affine transformation

- v.rectify - if you want to use control points
  for a non-parametric transformation



> Hope this helps
> Kind regards
> Wouter Impens
> Op 12 jan. 2019 23:37 schreef "Rutger Emmelkamp" <r.emmelk...@gmail.com
> <mailto:r.emmelk...@gmail.com>>:
>     Hello everybody,
>     Hope someone can help me out this Saturday night (or Sunday or
>     Monday) but no hurry!
>     How to georeference an Illustrator vector image (contour line map)
>     from a specific area?
>     I have qgis 3.4.3 installed and qgisAffine and Vector Blender
>     plugins don’t work for this version.
>     I managed to turn the file into a .shp file and I see it somewhere
>     off the coast of Ghana (coordinates 0,0) but how do I drag it into
>     place?
>     I think I’m looking for a Vector Affine Transformation plugin or
>     menu but can’t find it.
>     Hope someone can help me in the right direction.
>     Thanks and have a nice weekend.
>     Rutger
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Dr. Benjamin Ducke
Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (DAI)
Zentrale Berlin, IT-Referat
* Projekt "Stunde Null" *
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