Wolfgang Reichart wrote
> ... now I`m looking to find an Airport with the following Coordinates: 
>                       50° 46′ 8″ N,
> 7° 9′ 48″ O 

Dear Wolfgang,

not sure how to guide you with your coordinates (in DMS writing) to the
searched location in QGIS. But if you start *Google Earth* (standalone) and
having set the coordinate system under *Tools* > *Options* to "Grad,
Minuten, Sekunden" (= *D*egree *M*inutes *S*econds), you may set a new
position mark (point) wherever you like and enter your coordinates in the
appropriate fields. Better enter E for O. 

Have found your airport in Havelar just in a few seconds this way. You may
exchange positions between QGIS and Google Earth using kml format files. 

Perhaps it's possible to enter also DMS-coordinates in QGIS. But I would
rather calculate the appropriate DD (decimal degrees) coordinates and use
these. Would be in your case 50.768889 N, 7.163333 E. If you enter a small
limited text file (table) in QGIS with 7.163333 for X and 50.768889 N for Y
direction you may import this directly in QGIS. 

Regards, Christine

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