Hi all,

I want to know if it is possible to create a model which has to to do the 

  1.  import a points layer (A)
  2.  analyse the A with a cell 100x100 km moving it with a 25 km step
  3.  on each step (25km) a statistical analysis of the points falling in the 
100x100 km cell has to be performed --> the statistical analysis has to do: a 
histogram in frequency classes (so a point attribute has to be divided in 
classes and for each class the points have to be counted) the output is the 
value of the class where the 90% of the points fall.
  4.  this analysis has to be replicated for each 25km step on X and Y
  5.  the result should be a matrix 25km spaced on x and y where the cell value 
is the point attribute value of the 90%

Is it possible with the available function in the QGIS toolbox? or it is 
necessary the develop a custom function/plugin?

Thanks for any hints you can give me...

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