Hello again!
The answer is: for %i in ("d:\....\*.tif") do
gdal_translate -of ECW -co LARGE_OK=YES -co TARGET=95 "%i"

Big "thank you" for people, that helped me. Installer of FWTools 2.4.7 is
available here (yet): http://fwtools.loskot.net/

> Hello!
> I am sorry for asking about sth not connected with qgis...
> I would like to use old FWTools 2.4.7 to convert geotiff's files to ecw
> format. Right now I use that "command": for %i in ("d:\....\*.tif") do
> gdal_translate -of ECW -co LARGE_OK=YES "%i" "d:\.....\%~ni.ecw
> Can I add sth to that "command" to achieve better "compression ratio"?
> Thanks for any response.
> Greetings - Piotrek
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