Hi Finnbar,

What plugin are you talking about and what QGIS version do you use?
You have a number of tools to check geometries. Try "Topology checker" or "Geometry checker" to see where the problems are (invalid geometries). Geometry checker is also able to fix some issues. Maybe thats the one you use.

Anotehr option is GRASS GIS. Have you ever worked wit GRASS GIS? You can create a GRASS database and import your polygons. GRASS GIS uses a topolgical data model and is quite powerful in establishing a desent data model with snapping options and clean functions. You can also try GRASS tools from the processing framework like build polygons or clean.


Am 20.05.19 um 11:31 schrieb GILLEN Finbar:
Hi All,

I have a few polygon layers where anytime I go to use them I have to use the fix geometries plugin so that invalid geometries are fixed.

When I save the output from the fixed geometries plugin and add it in a new project the same issues appears where I can’t use it accurately to do a Select or Join by Location because some of the geometries are still seen as invalid even though they have been ‘fixed’.

Is there anyway solution to this or do I have to keep using the fix geometries plugin anytime I use the polygons for analysis?




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