Good Morning/Afternoon QGIS Listserve - and sorry for the duplication/spam as I've sent this out on several other listserves and many of you are way outside of the SE United States.

I'm hopefully going to hold a QGIS centric meeting in the Southeastern US in October 2019. Right now I'm trying to piece together an interested group of people and hold this around the Chattanooga TN area (which could be Huntsville, Chattanooga, Knoxville, Asheville, etc). It will probably be a 1 day meeting but depending on interest we could go more. I've held meetings (with the help of a lot of great people) in the past [1] centered around FOSS4G software and they've had quite a turnout with topics ranging from SAGA, LIDAR, QGIS, and PostGIS.

There is a OSGEO Listserv covering the SE US [2] and I'm preparing to pepper the list with information and put up a central location for information. I'm open to suggestions for a location. I'm hoping to nail down a date and location shortly so if you are so inclined join the listserve below and we can discuss. I'm open to sponsors and whatever else we might need. Usually the biggest expense for these meetings is food and snacks. Depending on interest we may need more than that.

Anyway - hopefully those of us in the Southeast US can get together and talk about QGIS.




Randal Hale
North River Geographic Systems, Inc
(423) 653-3611

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