Good idea Calvin,
Anyone else with a simpler, faster  solution?  If not, I will try.

> Le 21 août 2019 à 13:43, C Hamilton <> a écrit :
> The way I more or less solved something like this was by pre-clipping the 
> Natural Earth data at the boundaries of the projection and made two different 
> vector layers You then will not get the wrap around. If need be you can shift 
> the longitude of one of layers by 180 degrees and then attempt to merge the 
> two pieces together. For countries that now have a cut line down the middle 
> you can then merge the pieces together. It can be time consuming, but will 
> work. I don't know if there is an easier way.
> Calvin
>> On Wed, Aug 21, 2019 at 1:17 PM Nicolas Cadieux 
>> <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> These are the nasty polygons.  I am hoping you will see the image.
>> <djfpggkfmkkepjkp.jpg>
>>> On 2019-08-19 12:26 p.m., Nicolas Cadieux wrote:
>>> Hi, 
>>> Trying to help another Qgis user that posted earlier. 
>>> We have Natural Earth vectorial Data that we what to reproject in Equal 
>>> Earth.  We want Austria to be in the middle of the map so we created a 
>>> Equal Earth Project using  custom CRS  using +proj=eqearth +datum=WGS84 
>>> +wktext +lon_0=136 with the help of 
>>> Using  lon_0=136 puts 
>>> Australia in the middle and limits the distortion in that longitude. 
>>> Data was reprojected and saved in the new projection (vector/Data 
>>> Management tools/Reproject Layer).  Project is also in the Equal Earth 
>>> projection so no reprojection on the fly is happening behind the scenes. 
>>> Question: How so we take care of the nasty polygons that appear when we add 
>>> the "+lon_0=136" parameter?  See the zip. 
>>> You can find the data here: 
>>> Qgis 3.8.1 on Windows 10_64 
>>> Thanks 
>>> Nicolas 
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