Hi there! Usually the crops are not isolated from each other, so I already
tried OTB methods in segmentation QGIS and it doesn't work.

Thank you




Am 02.09.19 um 02:56 schrieb carlos h:
>* Hello, thank you very much, of course, I have examples, they are images of
*>* Drones in RGB.
*>>* I will attach some images (not the orthomosaic since they are very heavy)
*>* in banana, palm oil and pineapple:
*>* https://www.dropbox.com/sh/42byg669epahkq2/AABhhshbZVJrpJqWnUSEzcBpa?dl=0

If you have RGB images, you could use EGI=2*G-B-R and a threshold to
segment plants (if they dont overlap in the image), then count it.

But since the plants in your images overlap and other areas are green,
too, this might be difficult (you need to find something to segment
trees based on other features, e.g. to segment the "star"
structure/centers of the trees).

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