Hi Paul,

I think we're approaching this from opposing directions. It is *exactly* the "downsides" of the file format that impose these constraints. The problem is that QGIS isn't handling them well which is where we get situations like this.

I 100% agree with you about it being unreasonable for users to know about this, and QGIS definitely needs to handle it better, especially if it's the default format. That's why I came in with the docs to explain where the problem probably lies.

> 2. Ideally it would be possible for QGIS to prevent multiple edit sessions

Multiple edit sessions are absolutely fine, on a *local* filesystem at the SQLite file level. It may *not* be fine at the data level: if you and I edit the same polygon at the same time and then commit, what happens? Which does QGIS keep? That's an application-level problem for QGIS (no idea if it's addressed). For the SQLite file itself, *only* multiple editors via the network is a problem (well, at the other things on that link). It's definitely something QGIS needs to be able to handle better / warn about / lock.

I'd suggest raising this second issue on the QGIS tracker as a bug.



On 2019-10-07 15:37, Paul Wittle wrote:

I think the issue is not really the downsides of the file format so much as the 
more recent promotion of GeoPackage as a default format over shapefiles.

In my view it is unreasonable to expect the average user to delve into this 
level of detail and I would personally expect that the software (or 
documentation) would make clear any serious issues such as data corruption 
risks. Personally I’d go further and say work to avoid the situation at all.

This is why I asked the question really as there seem to me to be two key 

   1.  There is some evidence that read-only access may be editing the file, 
see https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/issues/23991
   2.  Ideally it would be possible for QGIS to prevent multiple edit sessions

IMHO the usefulness of the format seems limited if it is not possible for 
multiple users to view the same data. That said, the bug report I’ve linked to 
shows that other agree and the issue is being dealt with using the normal 

The second point is really the focus of why I originally asked the question. It 
is clear that SQLite itself cannot achieve this as it is unaware of edit 
sessions however QGIS could simply create a sidecar file as a worst case and 
that should work. If the sidecar file exists then editing is not possible 
unless you own the file otherwise the file is available for editing.

In simple terms I want QGIS to say no (and explain it is already being edited 
in a dialog) if a second user tries to put a GeoPackage in edit mode when 
someone else is already editing it.

I’ve already created a section in my bespoke plugin which corrects the bad 
projections for MapInfo tab files so I might just write the functionality above 
myself using Python.


From: Jonathan Moules <jonathan-li...@lightpear.com>
Sent: 07 October 2019 15:17
To: Tobias Wendorff <tobias.wendo...@tu-dortmund.de>; Andrea Peri 
Cc: qgis-user <qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org>; Paul Wittle 
Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] GeoPackage deadlocks (Andrea Peri)

(A little late).

TL;DR: at least for QGIS, is - never multi-user edit 
SQLite/SpatiaLite/GeoPackages on network file systems.

SQLite, (and therefore SpatiaLite and GeoPackage) has quite a few caveats when 
it comes to multiple users trying to edit it at once.


(my bold)

"SQLite depends on the underlying filesystem to do locking as the documentation says 
it will. But some filesystems contain bugs in their locking logic such that the locks do 
not always behave as advertised. This is especially true of network filesystems and NFS 
in particular. If SQLite is used on a filesystem where the locking primitives contain 
bugs, and if two or more threads or processes try to access the same database at the same 
time, then database corruption might result."

And there's also:


Put simply (Note: I'm not an expert): It's fine to edit SQLite databases if 
they're not on a network file system with as many users as you want, or if they 
are on a network and you can guarantee only one process is going to write. 
However if multiple people/processes want to write to a network file system, 
you'll need a piece of middleware to manage the process, otherwise there's a 
good chance of corruption as Paul is seeing.

It may also be that QGIS is doing some of the other things on the "how to 
corrupt" page too. I imagine it will only get worse if you use multiple different 
software packages to edit simultaneously.


On 2019-09-27 09:50, Tobias Wendorff wrote:

Am 27.09.2019 um 10:24 schrieb Andrea Peri 

Have you tried to use spatialite instead of geopackage. ?

Why not plain SQLite? Nobody needs and uses the spatial functions of 
Spatialite, they are even not part of bloatware GPKG (sorry, the created 
db-files are huge without any compression).

The only reason is indexing and this could be forked off GPGK and Spatialite.

To the topic: I think, it‘s always a bad idea to let multiple users work on a 
single SQLite-based database. It hasn‘t been created for this reason.


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