Hello Glarivie:

I just did a quick test to convert from NAD83 to Conus albers. When yous elect your CRS for the exported data, the converston parameters are shown at the bottom of the CRS selector window.  In my case :

Extent: -124.79, 24.41, -66.91, 49.38

Proj4: +proj=aea +lat_1=29.5 +lat_2=45.5 +lat_0=23 +lon_0=-96 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +units=m +no_defs

This shows you the bounds of the new CRS as well as the default ellipsoid for Conus Albers.  I  this case there is no scaling (k=0) and no false eastings or northings applied.

I hope this helps.

Kirk Schmidt, MScF, BScF, RPF
General Manager
Nortek Resource Solutions Inc.
RR # 1
Thorburn, NS
B0K 1W0
Tel (902) 922.3607
Email: k...@nortekresources.com
Web: www.nortekresources.com

On 2/26/2020 7:59 AM, glarivie . wrote:

I'm pretty new to QGis, so I'm sure this is basic but I was hoping someone could walk me through this using version 3.4. I have csv data that's in both WGS84 and NAD83. The desired end-projection is EPSG: 6350 NAD83(2011) Conus Albers. I've loaded each into a blank QGis project (separately) and saved as shapefiles in the target CRS. I then need to perform some interpolations using the data.

My question is, have I missed a step? Do I need to perform a separate step to transform the datum (particularly the WGS84 data). Since 3.4 uses PROJ 5.2, I was assuming that the step where I "save as" in the target CRS takes care of both the datum transformation and the projection. Is this assumption correct? If so, what default transformation is taking place and is there a way for me to determine what it is?

Thanks so much for your help! I'm, unfortunately, a little stumped here.

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Kirk Schmidt, MScF, BScF, RPF
General Manager
Nortek Resource Solutions Inc.
RR # 1
Thorburn, NS
B0K 1W0
Tel (902) 922.3607
Email: k...@nortekresources.com
Web: www.nortekresources.com

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