On 4/15/20 11:44 AM, Alessandro Pasotti wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 15, 2020 at 11:39 AM Franko Naimarevic

>>> What am I missing?
>> The web server component (apache or nginx or any other webserver you
>> can plug FCGI into).
>> FCGI binary is not an HTTP server.
>I think Franko does have a running Apache webserver: in XAMPP the A
>stands for Apache?

Yes, Apache is running through XAMPP! The XAMPP Control Panel shows it is
running with no errors.

>> If you have QGIS 3.12 you can try the standalone development server (I
>> have not tested it on windows but it may work), the executable name
>> should be qgis_mapserver.exe.
>@Allesandro: you say a standalone development server. But (even on
>windows) it's not that you run a webserver on port 80 if you run
>qgis_mapserver or qgis_mapserver.exe, is it? If I run it here it's
>initing all QGIS machinery and ends with:
>INFO Server[178177]: No server python plugins are available
>seemingly waiting for a connection, but I do not know how....
>To make more clear to Franko: QGIS comes with 2 mapservers:
>- a fastcgi module and a (simple) (you need mod_fastcgi (or something
>like that for it)
>- a cgi module: qgis_mapserver.exe is the simple cgi version.
>The last one is easiest, IF the environment of apache is ok, you should
>be able to put this in your cgi-bin dir of apache.
>To set the right environment, you could have a look into the
>osgeo4w64\httpd.d\httpd_qgis.conf (which comes with an osgeo4w64 install
>of qgis-server) which has most of the apache-config rules you need:
>DefaultInitEnv O4W_QT_PREFIX "C:\OSGeo4W64/apps/Qt5"
>DefaultInitEnv O4W_QT_BINARIES "C:\OSGeo4W64/apps/Qt5/bin"
>DefaultInitEnv O4W_QT_PLUGINS "C:\OSGeo4W64/apps/Qt5/plugins"
>DefaultInitEnv O4W_QT_LIBRARIES "C:\OSGeo4W64/apps/Qt5/lib"
>DefaultInitEnv O4W_QT_TRANSLATIONS "C:\OSGeo4W64/apps/Qt5/translations"
>DefaultInitEnv O4W_QT_HEADERS "C:\OSGeo4W64/apps/Qt5/include"
>DefaultInitEnv O4W_QT_DOC "C:\OSGeo4W64/apps/Qt5/doc"
>DefaultInitEnv PATH
>DefaultInitEnv QGIS_PREFIX_PATH "C:\OSGeo4W64\apps\qgis"
>DefaultInitEnv QT_PLUGIN_PATH
>DefaultInitEnv TEMP "C:\Users\richa\AppData\Local\Temp"
>DefaultInitEnv PYTHONHOME "C:\OSGeo4W64\apps\Python37"
>DefaultInitEnv PYTHONPATH
>Alias /qgis/ C:\OSGeo4W64/apps/qgis/bin/
><Directory "C:\OSGeo4W64/apps/qgis/bin/">
>    SetHandler fcgid-script
>    Options ExecCGI
>   # Order/Allow is for Apache 2.2
>    #Order allow,deny
>    #Allow from all
>    # Require is for Apache 2.4
>    Require all granted
>Off course this should all match your paths, but given this your cgi (or
>fastcgi) should be able to find all stuff needed to run qgis-server.
>Easiest way for me was to run an apache with modfcgi in it, install
>qgis-server with osgeo4w64 and then just 'include' the httpd_qgis.conf
>in your httpd.conf

My osgeo4w64\httpd.d\httpd_qgis.conf contains everything you have written

I'm sorry but I didn't quite understand what I should do in order to solve
my "Project file error" problem?

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