
it seems that my points are too many. I am waiting for the TIN process to 
finish (needs a few hours it seems), then I will select a part of the point I 
am interested in and go on working on that selection. Then I will try your 
suggestions, thank you. 

Some other remarks: 

> You can also correct this 5x5 problem by using gdal grid with Nearest 
> neighbour interpolation. You could use the point data to do this.

So the GDAL tools in the processing toolbox?

> I also post a small presentation that can help go from vector to raster with 
> point data. Sometimes, keeping it simple is better.
> https://www.slideshare.net/shencoop/qgis-raster-to-point

This is the other way round, but I could check that everything went right with 
my .xyz-Data and the creation of the point cloud. 

> If you do decide to make a shapefile with the csv, make sure to store the 
> coordinates in a text field.  Placing the coordinates in a $x and $y object 
> fields will lead to rounding.  Any rounding would corrupt the raster 
> therefore you need to original coordinates for this to work. This may explain 
> your problems also.

I do not really understand, but I think when I try, I will see what you mean. 

> I used this method to change the geoids of a thousands of rasters because the 
> program I was using was designed to change the z value for texte files only 
> and not rasters (NRCAN GPS-H).

Sounds good :-)

I will report tomorrow again, and thanks for taking care, 

> Nicolas Cadieux
> Ça va bien aller!
>> Le 13 mai 2020 à 11:25, chris hermansen <clherman...@gmail.com> a écrit :
>> Maria and list,
>> On Tue, May 12, 2020 at 7:00 PM Priv.-Doz. Dr. Maria Shinoto 
>> <maria.shin...@zaw.uni-heidelberg.de> wrote:
>> Hi, 
>> Thanks for helping. -- Thanks to you and Chris Hermansen I got a result, but 
>> it could be better. 
>> For the records, a short explanation:
>> *****
>> Well, I checked the properties, jgd2011 is in Meters, the raster is said to 
>> be 5m. In the official Japanese viewer, which creates a beautiful raster 
>> image without white pixels, the pixels are exactly 5m*5m. 
>> Today I tried the export to .xyz since the shapefile looked ugly, and after 
>> realising that the Japanese xyz is indeed yxz, everything looked fine, and I 
>> could store it in a Geopackage. But the grid is now 5,276m * 6,146m. But it 
>> fits well on top of the basemap. The basemap is of the same special Japanese 
>> GML format, but QGIS could read it all without problem. I do not understand 
>> why QGIS does not read the point data from  the GML fille, but that is an 
>> aside, I am amazed by what QGIS actually can do. 
>> From the Geopackage I could rasterize. It is as Chris Hermansen said, 
>> thanks. Unfortunately, I did not get it done from the shapefiles, they 
>> always looked weird or like nothing, even with identical settings. But the 
>> geopackages from xyz tiles are fine. 
>> For resolution, I chose georeferenced units as Chris suggested, and since 
>> the measurement tool got some different length, I put it to 5,276m by 
>> 6,146m. A 5m by 5m resolution created a weird layer with horizontally 
>> expanding white pixels.
>> It seems that tweaking with the resolution might lead to an even better 
>> result, but for the time being, it is OK as it is. 
>> *****
>> Upon reflection I think the basic problem here is that the point data should 
>> be interpolated to create a raster if you want a precise 5x5m resolution.
>> For this, rather than use the Raster > Rasterize tool, the approach should 
>> be:
>>      • open the processing toolbox Processing > Toolbox
>>      • in the toolbox open Interpolation > TIN interpolation
>>      • in the TIN Interpolation screen:
>>              • select the Vector layer
>>              • select the Interpolation attribute
>>              • click the + to add to the vector layer panel
>>              • choose the interpolation method - probably best to use cubic
>>              • click on the ... next to extent and set it to the layer extent
>>              • set the pixel size to 5.0 and 5.0
>>              • click Run
>> This way you won't have the odd sizes you mentioned.  This may give you a 
>> smoother surface in the end as well.
>> -- 
>> Chris Hermansen · clhermansen "at" gmail "dot" com
>> C'est ma façon de parler.

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