
>Hi! Thanks for incluiding me.

>I changed from Ubuntu 18.04 to Ubuntu 20.04, so I automaticly lost the qgis
>software. When I tryed to install it again, many troubles came out, like
>"qgis needs 'this' or 'this' but its not going to be install" or 'its going
>to install 'this' in stand of 'this'; "E: the package its not found" and
>also "you have broken packages". I tryed to erase old packages, tryed to
>clean caché, tryed commands like "autoremove", "autoclean", "sudo apt-get
>-f install' and i followed all the suggested steps from the qgis original
>tutorial but nothing worked!
I have a virtual instance of Ubuntu 20.04 installed on my home computer and 
have successfully installed 3.10.4 from the standard Ubuntu 20.04 repositories. 
 I suspect that you have different libraries and versions of QGIS left over 
from your 18.04 installation and it may be complicated by the possibility that 
you may have used the UBUNTU GIS PPA to install your previous version.    Hard 
for me to tell without more detail.

I would suggest that you use aptitude search to find all instances of gdal, 
grass, proj, and qgis that you may find and remove them with apt.  Then start 
with a simple qgis installation using apt.

>Its there any other suggestions about how to install qgis? this vertion is
>actually working?  I even tryed to install qgis copying from the terminal
>to the repository both latest versions (https//:qgis.org/ubuntu and https//:

>Please, anything will help, i'm in the middle of my final work to get a
>master degree and i already lost 2 days trying to fix this. My plan B is
>just, get back to Ubuntu 18, but its possible that that doesnt work easily

You can also make a virtual instance of 20.04  ( using KVM) and install qgis 
there.  I nfs mapped my base systems drives to the virtual instance to access 
my data on the base system.

>Thanks for your atention!

Good luck!

Doug Newcomb - Cartographer
551F Pylon Dr
Raleigh, NC
919-856-4520 ext. 14 doug_newc...@fws.gov<mailto:doug_newc...@fws.gov>

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