
The documentation can also be used to identify problems.
Some things are explained in much detail, and that suggests that
there is room for improvements in the report GUI / workflow.

Håvard (who revised/wrote the report documentation)

On 15.09.2020 11:17, Bernd Vogelgesang wrote:
> Hi Andreas,
> hope I did not sound too negative. For sure I would like to help in some
> way. I give money in nearly every crowdfunding project, though I even
> don't need most functionalities there.
> Around the report function, there is quite a sounding silence in the
> lists and the web, so I assume that few people use it, or feel too
> stupid to ask cause they don't get it to work properly.
> What I already tried, was to collect issues on github for the Report
> But already there the problems begin: There is not a label for it (only
> a general "Print Layout") and report is a very common word)
> This may be intended as the reporting seems to be the younger brother of
> the Atlas, but makes it not easier ;)
> Before I would be able to create a QEP, I would need someone to explain
> me the parts in Report that I maybe simply do not understand.
> So, count me in (at least a bit ;) )
> Bernd
> On 15.09.20 08:30, Andreas Neumann wrote:
>> Hi Bernd,
>> The report functionality definitely needs some love. There is a great
>> base now, but it needs to improve.
>> Would you volunteer to collect missing things regarding reports in a QEP
>> and then help organize a crowd-funding? Even if you can't fund this
>> yourself, it would help a lot to come up with a sound proposal /
>> specification, that some interested developer can submit a quote and we
>> can look around for funders.
>> There are quite a few successful examples in the past where someone who
>> missed a functionality in QGIS but couln't finance it came up with a
>> sound proposal and then we could find a developer and funders based on
>> that initiative.
>> Or you could organize this as a joint effort - e.g. through the german
>> QGIS user group.
>> Greetings,
>> Andreas
>> On 2020-09-14 23:09, Bernd Vogelgesang wrote:
>>> On 14.09.20 22:30, Håvard Tveite wrote:
>>>> Including photos / images in reports is covered by the documentation.
>>>> See:
>>>> https://docs.qgis.org/testing/en/docs/user_manual/print_composer/create_reports.html#including-pictures-in-a-report
>>>> It worked for me.
>>>> It should now also be possible to use images stored in a BLOB field.
>>>> Håvard
>>> Thanx for answering. Indeed there is something about adding photos, but
>>> actually this version of the doc is somehow not showing up in google
>>> searches:
>>> Furthermore, I did not have the problem of having to construct a path to
>>> the image. The full path is already in the data (from the nice toolbox
>>> function for geotagged images). The report just did't eat the path.
>>> After dozend and dozends of attemps, QGIS somehow seemed to give up on
>>> refusing them, and now miraculously is accepting the path.
>>> The problem, that all images where repeatedly showing in all section got
>>> solved too. In the level up for the subplots, I had to use the field
>>> unique for each subplot and not that for the plot, as I wrongly assumed.
>>> Having it set wrongly didn't influence the correct print of the plots
>>> and then their subplots, but had influence on the follwing photos. Pfuh,
>>> the logic behind, how the report "knows "what to print in lower levels
>>> is actually not really obvious, It seems to figure this out on its own.
>>> So, seems I get it working.
>>> Major flaws:
>>> There is only the possibility to select an existing field for a layer in
>>> report groups. So the data has to be prepared for each and every
>>> possible usage beforehand. Having the possibilty to use expressions here
>>> would be phantastic. So now, when you find out that you had not the
>>> right variables for your job in the data, you have to stop working on
>>> the report and fumble the stuff into the attributes. I worked around
>>> this problem by setting up a nice model to prepare my data, but not
>>> everyone has the knowledge to do so.
>>> Found no way to add sections within the "tree" or to move anything. Once
>>> you laid out a design and forgot a title page or mid-sections, you seem
>>> to have to restart from scratch. No way to manipulate it later.
>>> Found no way so far to add page numbers.
>>> All in all. Spent 2 days now on this 30 page report and I hope I will
>>> remember next time how to glue things together.
>>> This could be a really powerful tool for lazy people having to do boring
>>> reports frequently. So far, no time was gained, and I had to use extra
>>> doses of alcohol not to give up.;)
>>> Hopefully developers will give it a little more love some day to make it
>>> a bit smoother, then it will really rock!
>>> On 14.09.2020 18:20, Bernd Vogelgesang wrote: Hi there,
>>> I'm really eager to finally figure out how to create a photo
>>> documentation with QGIS.
>>> Everything needed is prepared and in place. I have overview coverages of
>>> plots with sub-plot over an aerial image. The maps are nicely produced
>>> to a report as groups. On each overview, the belonging sub-plots follow
>>> as individual maps.
>>> Now I would like to show pictures taken on the sub-plots.
>>> First issue: I add a new group photo-points and as field I select the
>>> referencing field for the sub-plot. Edit body, add picture frame. When
>>> setting the full file path for the images (stored as field "photo" in
>>> the point file, generated with "Import geotagged photos") there is only
>>> a red cross shown, and the selection in the dialog jumps from raster to
>>> svg. On export as pdf, there is a warning "Picture source is missing or
>>> corrupt".
>>> I redid this several times, to no avail, but once in a sudden, a preview
>>> image was shown, though I did not change the slightest thing in the
>>> settings. I swear!
>>> Second issue: Now that it finally accepted the path, exporting the
>>> report now produced a page for each picture under each sub-plot, instead
>>> of filtering those which actually fit there (and how it does with the
>>> sub-plots within the plots!)
>>> Has anyone an idea what might be wrong here. Documentation on this
>>> matter or examples are unfortunatly nonexistent.
>>> Linux Mint, 3.14.1
>>> Cheers,
>>> Bernd
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