I don't think your issue is with the clip of the rasters, it is with how the software you are using sets the scale for the display of the layer.

When you clip a layer in  QGIS or directly with gdal_translate, the default is to leave the pixel values exactly as they are, which is generally what you want. After all, if the software rescaled the max/min to some fixed value, then when you tried to display these side-by-side or reassemble them into a single image the values wouldn't make sense.

The issue you apparently are facing is that by default on loading a raster the software you are using finds the min and max value and scales the display to span that full range,  which is what QGIS does by default with raster layers. (The exact details of the scaling are determine by settings in the Settings -> Raster tab.)

Without knowing what your display software is I can't suggest a solution.

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