Perhaps this can help: https://gdal.orgdrivers/raster/gpkg.html

“Various kind of input datasets can be converted to GeoPackage raster :

Single band grey level
Single band with R,G,B or R,G,B,A color table
Two bands: first band with grey level, second band with alpha channel
Three bands: Red, Green, Blue
Four band: Red, Green, Blue, Alpha
GeoPackage rasters only support Byte data type.”

My guess is that if the original raster does not correspond to one of the 
categories above, it will be converted to the closest format. 

Nicolas Cadieux

> Le 1 déc. 2020 à 09:58, Alberto Vavassori <alberto.vavass...@polimi.it> a 
> écrit :
> Hello everybody. I have an issue regarding the Geopackage format. I have 
> tried to import a singleband raster file (it represents the land cover, thus 
> every pixel has a single integer value corresponding to the land cover 
> class), but this operation seems to modify the raster characteristics: the 
> raster becomes a 4-bands raster and the pixels values change accordingly 
> (basically, the original raster is saved in the Geopackage as an RGB image). 
> It seems to be a bug of QGIS. I have also tried to use GDAL translate through 
> the processing toolbox of QGIS to convert the TIFF file to a Geopackage file, 
> but the result is the same.
> Has anybody faced this problem? May anybody suggest a way to work this 
> problem out?
> Thank you.
> Alberto
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