Qgis 3.16.2, GRASS 7.8.4, Win 10.

I'm attempting to run the r.lake processing algorithm. If I select "Temporary layer" for output, or specify a new file, I get and error - "grass r.lake The following layers were not correctly generated.". I believe this is because the script always specifies --overwrite, which apparently fails if the file doesn't already exist.
I then try to run specifying a file that already exists. This file is a copy of the input DEM layer used to run the algorithm ,so it has the same properties as the input layer. The algorithm runs to completion and adds the new layer to the map, but it is appears to be the sameĀ  as the file that was supposed to be overwritten.

My input layer can be found here.
I load the file into a empty project. CRS is 4269
I select r.lake
Select the only layer as the Elevation input
Set Water level =2500
Select a seed -
The value of the DEM surface at the seed point is around 2000.
Select an existing file for output
Accept all other defaults, run algorithm.

The dump of the script parameters is:

{ '-n' : False, 'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_META' : '', 'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_OPT' : '', 'GRASS_REGION_CELLSIZE_PARAMETER' : 0, 'GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER' : None, 'coordinates' : '-106.503588,36.309857 [EPSG:4269]', 'elevation' : 'C:/Users/David/Documents/Geodata/Topo maps/Abiquiu/USGS_13_n37w107.tif', 'lake' : 'C:/Users/David/Documents/Geodata/geoTemp/lake2.tif', 'seed' : None, 'water_level' : 2500 }

I've run this with the original input file in EPSG:4269, and against the same file converted to UTM13N - EPSG: 26913 - same results in either case.

What am I misunderstanding about how to run this? Thx.


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