Hello All,

I recently acquired a Trimble GeoXT 2005 Series and am puzzled by the results it produces:

1. Compared to a variety of "known" points, it consistently records
   positions that appear to be in error by 1.2 - 1.5 m NW from the
   known point.
2. Points are collected and then mapped in QGIS as NAD83, UTM Zone 10 N.
3. The known points include property survey pins, Government control
   survey monuments, Total Station survey points derived from the
   above, other GPS results (Trimble ProXRS) and identifiable points on
4. I'm using SBAS correction in the GeoXT.

It appears to be adding a consistent offset to the GPS result although no offset has been set in TerraSync.

Many thanks for any thoughts on this situation . . . . .

Cheers, Springfield Harrison

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