
Kirk could be on the right track.  You could try PPP using this site.  You will 
need to create a user name and password.  Then, you upload the Rinex file.   I 
am 99% sure you can process point from outside of Canada.  


Nicolas Cadieux

> Le 9 mars 2021 à 07:32, kirk <k...@nortekresources.com> a écrit :
> Hi Springer
> I just looked up the marine beacon specs and they are designed for 10m 
> accuracy. This may explain why your non dgps data is closer to your survey 
> corner.
> Sent from my Galaxy
> -------- Original message --------
> From: Springfield Harrison <stellar...@gmail.com>
> Date: 2021-03-08 3:17 p.m. (GMT-04:00)
> To: Nicolas Cadieux <njacadieux.git...@gmail.com>
> Cc: kirk <k...@nortekresources.com>, Jorge Gustavo Rocha <j...@geomaster.pt>, 
> qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org, Greg Troxel <g...@lexort.com>, Dan 
> <19dm...@gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] Trimble GeoXT 2005 Accuracy
> I'm resending this without the map as there is a size limit. The moderator 
> may let it through, I hope . . . .
> Hi Nicolas, thanks for your observations.  I'll try to answer your questions, 
> please see the attached map, especially Map A:
> Note that my previous email contained information for Map B; Map A is based 
> on the Municipal Cadastre (NAD83 UTM zone 10N) and illustrates the problem as 
> well. Other locations based on Provincial Monuments and/or the Municipal 
> cadastre (not illustrated here) have yielded similar results.
> How many “known” points have you tested?
> 2 in this case, Maps A and B
> Also several other locations with similar results
> How where those point position calculated.
> From the Municipal cadastre, visible in Map A
> Make sure the coordinates are in the right CRS
> NAD 83 UTM 10N used throught.  See workflow in previous email
> When converting from the monument’s CRS to NAD83 UTM zone 10N, are you using 
> the correct grid files?
> [No monuments in this example] These were brought into QGIS from the 
> Municipal GCM database CSV (NAD83(CSRS) 3.0.0.BC.1.CRD) and reprojected by 
> QGIS to EPSG:26910 - NAD83 / UTM zone 10N
> Presumably QGIS would choose the correct grid files
> Municipal Cadastre is NAD83 UTM zone 10N
> Find a geodesic point that is in the middle of a field or on the side of a 
> highway with no obstacles.
> Map A is open sky
> Make sur your observations will be done when the constellation is well 
> distributed in the sky
> As you probably know, TerraSync provides for PDOP, HDOP, SNR and Horizon 
> masks to preclude collecting poor quality positions. These were set towards 
> the "Precision" end of the scale
> What post processing techniques are you using? How far is the base station 
> from your unit?
> Real time was SBAS or RTCM; Post processing using the Pathfinder Office 
> differential correction engine, baseline about 30 km
> How long are the observations? Have you tried other methods of post 
> processing like PPP?
> Logging interval is 5 sec; 33 to 2037 positions per point
> Did not use PPP. This is a test of mapping best practices, not geodesy
> Have you contacted Trimble?
> Yes, no response
> Have you looked on there site to see if there is a software update (firmware) 
> for the unit or the post processing software?
> Yes, receiver firmware is the latest, PFO and Terrasync are older but 
> compatible
> Thanks Nicolas. If I have missed something, I hope someone can point it out, 
> I've tried to cover all the bases based on my training and experience.
> -----
> Cheers, Spring
> On 08/Mar/2021 06:40, Nicolas Cadieux wrote:
>> Hi Harrison,
>> How many “known” points have you tested? How where those point position 
>> calculated. They could be off.  If you are using state geodesic monuments, 
>> try to find the documented precision of the monument. States have different 
>> types of monuments, some are very old and have different standards.  Make 
>> sure the geodesic point is not the problem.  Make sure the coordinates are 
>> in the right CRS.  As an example, if the coordinates are published in NAD83 
>> original but you are assuming NAD83(CSRS), then you have a problem. When 
>> converting from the monument’s CRS to NAD83 UTM zone 10N, are you using the 
>> correct grid files?  What is the published precision for this reprojection?
>> You say you have houses and trees.  This could be the problem.  Find a 
>> geodesic point that is in the middle of a field or on the side of a highway 
>> with no obstacles. Make sur your observations will be done when the 
>> constellation is well distributed in the sky.  I believe Trimble has a 
>> observation planing software that can help you figure out the best time for 
>> observation. This could explain why the GEoTX are to the east unless the  
>> observations where made at the same time and same conditions (ex leaf off).
>> What post processing techniques are you using? How far is the base station 
>> from your unit? If you are using a state correction service, can you select 
>> more stations?  How long are the observations? Have you tried other methods 
>> of post processing like PPP? 
>> Have you contacted Trimble?  Have you looked on there site to see if there 
>> is a software update (firmware) for the unit or the post processing 
>> software? 
>> Nicolas Cadieux
>> https://gitlab.com/njacadieux
>>> Le 8 mars 2021 à 05:24, Springfield Harrison <stellar...@gmail.com> a écrit 
>>> :
>>> Hi Kirk,
>>> Thanks again for the ideas.
>>> Re "I assume your raw data files are being converted to gpx on  a computer 
>>> since the raw terrasync files are proprietary binary files".  Not sure why 
>>> you would make this assumption - PFO does not export GPX files, only GIS 
>>> files of many kinds, although one could create a custom format I suppose.
>>> I have always avoided non-GIS formats (Garmin, GPX, GDB, KML, KMZ, 
>>> GoogleEarth, iPad/Tablet "mapping", etc.).  I'm in the process of 
>>> re-mapping a tablet based tree inventory using SW Maps with a Total Station 
>>> survey as many of the trees are near the property boundary.  Some of the 
>>> tablet errors are quite large.  Due to the tree canopy, GPS quality is 
>>> variable.
>>> I know that many people use tablets and hiking GPS as mapping tools but I 
>>> have little faith in them for that purpose.
>>> For many years my work flow has been: Trimble Receiver + RTCM/SBAS -> 
>>> Pathfinder Office [+ RINEX Post Processing] -> SHP files -> GIS (QGIS or 
>>> Manifold GIS).  The CRS is NAD83 UTM 10N throughout, for my home area at 
>>> least.
>>> None of these steps offer any option to choose or modify the Base Station 
>>> CRS so I don't think that would be the culprit in my NW data offset, 
>>> although maybe I've missed something.
>>> Last fall I collected quite a few points in an attempt to quantify the 
>>> problem, if that's what it is.  Here are some summaries:
>>> Average distance from "Known" point (m)
>>> Location    
>>> Receiver    Correction      Corner  IP NW   Grand Total
>>> GeoXT       Post    1.44            1.44
>>>     SBAS    1.37    1.26    1.33
>>>     Uncorr  0.73    
>>> 0.73
>>> GeoXT Total         1.34    1.26    1.32
>>> ProXR       RTCM    0.38    0.61    0.49
>>> ProXR Total         0.38    0.61    0.49
>>> Grand Total         1.17    0.97    1.12
>>> Location    Data    
>>> Count of Feature Points and Positions
>>> Corner              IP NW           Total Count of Point_ID Total Sum of 
>>> Filt_Pos
>>> Receiver    Correction      Count of Point_ID       Filt_Pos        Count 
>>> of Point_ID       Filt_Pos                 
>>> GeoXT       Post    9       1492                    9       1492
>>>     SBAS    8       1280    5       905     13      2185
>>>     Uncorr  2       2836            
>>> 2   2836
>>> GeoXT Total         19      5608    5       905     24      6513
>>> ProXR       RTCM    4       2541    4       683     8       3224
>>> ProXR Total         4       2541    4       683     8       3224
>>> Grand Total         23      8149    9       1588    32      9737
>>> Corrected test Points and separation from the antenna location.
>>> <malbiblkchcpcpdh.png>
>>> As above but with 2 uncorrected GeoXT points overlaid, including the 
>>> individual positions that were averaged.
>>> <jpbjaanipeilbbgo.png>
>>> Notes and findings:
>>> Site is open sky but with house and trees adjacent
>>> Antenna is static, occupation periods long (5 sec logging interval)
>>> 32 observations averaged from 9737 positions
>>> some observations are with the GeoXT internal antenna, others are with a 
>>> Trimble aircraft antenna (intended for SBAS)
>>> Work flow as outlined above
>>> The GeoXT uncorrected results are better than either of the corrected 
>>> results!?
>>> The corrected ProXR results are better than any of the GeoXT results, 
>>> although biased to the east
>>> The uncorrected GeoXT readings exhibit the NW bias but to a lesser extent 
>>> which seems to indicate that the correction does not create the problem but 
>>> may exacerbate it, if that makes any sense.
>>> I have probably missed something but my reaction remains that the receiver 
>>> may be defective (?)
>>> Thanks again for your help and patience . . . . .
>>> -----
>>> Cheers, Spring
>>> On 07/Mar/2021 03:54, kirk wrote:
>>>> Hi Springer.
>>>> I assume your raw data files are being converted to gpx on  a computer 
>>>> since the raw terrasync files are proprietary binary files. If you are 
>>>> using trimble pathfinder, you can post process differentialy correct the 
>>>> data if you have access to  base station logged at the same time you 
>>>> captured your field data.  Having a base station 100 miles away will not 
>>>> improve your results as the baseline is too long.
>>>> I do not know if you can write a gpx file directly from pathfinder but I 
>>>> would not bother. I would write a shapefile which will contain the 
>>>> coordinate system you specify.  Simply open in qgis and you should be good 
>>>> to go. If your older unit works better, I would expect it may be an issue 
>>>> with the setup within pathfinder or perhaps the software version.
>>>> I think your consistent offset is a direct result of how you are 
>>>> converting your data from trimble to gpx.
>>>> As I mentioned in my previous comments, there are many issues which affect 
>>>> accuracy.  Just because the box says it is accurate  you will rarely 
>>>> replicate that in the field.  
>>>> In terms of WAAS dataframes, these are processed internally on your field 
>>>> unit.
>>>> Kirk Schmidt 
>>>> Sent from my Galaxy
>>>> -------- Original message --------
>>>> From: Springfield Harrison <stellar...@gmail.com>
>>>> Date: 2021-03-07 5:57 a.m. (GMT-04:00)
>>>> To: kirk <k...@nortekresources.com>, Jorge Gustavo Rocha 
>>>> <j...@geomaster.pt>, qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org, Greg Troxel 
>>>> <g...@lexort.com>, Dan <19dm...@gmail.com>, Nicolas Cadieux 
>>>> <njacadieux.git...@gmail.com>
>>>> Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] Trimble GeoXT 2005 Accuracy
>>>> Hello All, Thanks for the comments, I'll reply more fully tomorrow. The 
>>>> receiver is Trimble mapping grade: "The GeoExplorer 2005 series consists 
>>>> of: • The GeoXH™ handheld, providing subfoot (30 cm) accuracy, or even 
>>>> 8-inch (20 cm) accuracy with the optional Zephyr™ antenna. • The GeoXT™ 
>>>> handheld offering submeter accuracy for GIS data collection and data 
>>>> maintenance. • The GeoXM™ handheld with 1–3 meter GPS accuracy for mobile 
>>>> GIS applications." "Post processed carrier accuracy: 1-30cm".  This 
>>>> receiver was probably $5-8000 (?) new.
>>>> Data collection was stationary, open sky, good satellite coverage, several 
>>>> minutes of 5 sec observations, good PDOP
>>>> SBAS and/or post processed
>>>> The concern is not the accuracy as such, but the systematic NW shift.  
>>>> This has been observed over several months, consistently.  My old Trimble 
>>>> ProXR (1994?, $20K new!) is actually better in this regard than the GeoXT! 
>>>> The Trimble manuals make no mention of the SBAS CRS, implying "turn it on 
>>>> and go, the receiver will integrate the SBAS into the rover file."  More 
>>>> tomorrow, thanks . . . . .
>>>> -----
>>>> Cheers, Spring
>>>> On 06/Mar/2021 15:56, kirk wrote:
>>>>> A few notes.
>>>>> sbas which is waas in north America is based on equatorial satellites 
>>>>> which will get you in the 1 m range in southern Canada. 
>>>>> you can achieve sub decimeter accuracy consistently using rtk ,either 
>>>>> through a ntrip  caster (base station) broadcasting over the intenet or 
>>>>> with your own base station and a radio link. there are a few chip sets 
>>>>> and break out boards that you acquire and assemble your own system. This 
>>>>> is a very inexpensive option.
>>>>> Another option in Canada is to use precise point positioning (PPP) which 
>>>>> requires 6 to 12 hours of observation data using L1, L2 or L1 and L2 data 
>>>>> and rinex log files. This comes in handy if you need to establish a 
>>>>> remote base station.
>>>>> A proper antennae with a metal ground plane is also critical to getting 
>>>>> quality results.
>>>>> Observing under a forested canopy is difficult especially in summer under 
>>>>> leaf on conditions,  after a rain which creates multiparth mayhem.
>>>>> There is a reason survey grade equipment is relatively expensive. If you 
>>>>> require repeatably accurate results in a variety of conditions this is an 
>>>>> option.
>>>>> Kirk Schmidt 
>>>>> Sent from my Galaxy
>>>>> -------- Original message --------
>>>>> From: Jorge Gustavo Rocha <j...@geomaster.pt>
>>>>> Date: 2021-03-06 6:41 p.m. (GMT-04:00)
>>>>> To: qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org
>>>>> Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] Trimble GeoXT 2005 Accuracy
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I just jump in this thread to say I'm really impressed with Ardusimple. I 
>>>>> have a RTK Handheld Surveyor Kit [1] for +- 400 € and it works really 
>>>>> well.
>>>>> I use the national NTRIP service and I have consistently precisions 
>>>>> around 10 cm with just one receiver.
>>>>> I use a free Android application called SW Maps [2]. My survey points, 
>>>>> tracks and photos are collect in a geopackage that I can read in QGIS. I 
>>>>> use it mostly to collect ground control points for my drone flights.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Jorge Gustavo
>>>>> [1] https://www.ardusimple.com/product/rtk-handheld-surveyor-kit/
>>>>> [2] https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=np.com.softwel.swmaps
>>>>> Às 20:12 de 06/03/21, Greg Troxel escreveu:
>>>>>> Springfield Harrison <stellar...@gmail.com> writes:
>>>>>>> Thanks Dan.  See my relies to Kirk and Greg.  The Emlid sounds
>>>>>>> interesting, will have a look.
>>>>>> I have an earlier Emlid Reach (not RS or RS2), which has L1 only, and I
>>>>>> never got it to work well.
>>>>>> Also look at the Ardusimple unit -- but it's more a parts kit than a
>>>>>> system.  You need a way to get RTK reference data in, and a good
>>>>>> antenna.  One approach is Vespucci (OSM editor for Android) as a
>>>>>> datalogger, and the Ardusimple WiFi NTRIP master to get corrections over
>>>>>> the phone's hotspot.
>>>>>>   https://www.ardusimple.com/product/simplertk2b/
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>>>>> -- 
>>>>> Geomaster
>>>>> Jorge Gustavo Rocha | Software Engineer
>>>>> e: j...@geomaster.pt | m: +351 910 333 888
>>>>> g: 41.54094,-8.40490 | v: 510 906 109
>>>>> a: Rua António Cândido Pinto, 67, 4715-400 Braga
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