Hello Sebastian,

thank you for your response. Yes indeed, for me the coloring style you
showed would be an option. This style is what I get in GRASS GIS as
well. But😁,

what I would prefer in QGIS is this (as provided by QGIS 3.16.4 LTR):

So I hope that in future QGIS versions, the user will have the choice
between the different display options. As far as I understood the
discussions in the links you sent there is something going on in order
to add an option for selecting the new  or the old display style.
Unfortunately, I am not an expert in that programming stuff and
therefore I don't know how to apply what there is explained. I will wait
and see what the next QGIS versions offer for displaying raster gradient
legends. And I will keep the QGIS 3.16.4 LTR with special care not
loosing the display style I showed above.



Am 3/10/2021 um 5:54 PM schrieb Sebastian Gutwein:
I agree with your assessment.
I assume the assumption of the designers (thank you Nyall Dawson et al
for all of your amazing work) was that if you were displaying a
continuous raster you would want a continuous legend as well.
As shown by your issue and in the links I shared with you the reality
is that this doesn't fit all use cases.
I am considering writing up a feature request to address those issues.
Unless you want to?
To help me understand your use case more would a legend that was
continuous but had numerical values at each "break" work for you? An
example of this is in this tutorial


On Wed, Mar 10, 2021 at 2:34 PM Martin Bittens <martin.bitt...@gmx.de
<mailto:martin.bitt...@gmx.de>> wrote:

    Sebastian, Bernd,

    thanks a lot for your response. I checked the links Sebastian
    sent. As far as I could see displaying data in the legend as a
    continuum is a new feature in QGIS 3.18 which replaced the
    previous method displaying data in the legend as categories (as
    QGIS 3.16.4 is still doing - fortunately. Otherwise it would be
    difficult producing maps in ongoing projects in a consistent
    layout). And obviously there is no option available switching
    between the old and the new display method. Personally I think it
    was not a good decision giving up completely the categorical
    display in the legend. In particular if you would work with
    multiple colors and a large range of values, there is no way to
    allocate map colors to the corresponding values, or vice versa.

    So, I hope that the next QGIS version will include an option which
    allows selecting the method how to  display the data, as continuum
    or categorized.



    Am 3/9/2021 um 4:18 PM schrieb Sebastian Gutwein:
    I think this may be the result of the new feature
    Which is exciting for me becasue that is how I would like to have
    my continious data display. But it sounds like that is not what
    you are interested in. I have not tried 3.18 myself so don't know
    if there is a workaround.
    It does look like there are some links to discussions in the
    comments of this stack exchange question.

    On Tue, Mar 9, 2021 at 7:54 AM Bernd Vogelgesang
    <bernd.vogelges...@gmx.de <mailto:bernd.vogelges...@gmx.de>> wrote:

        Without testing I would say it's a bug. Quite some bugs went
        into 3.18
        unnoticed and unfortunately, it's not  communicated on the
        landing page.
        Next regular point release will be in 10 days, but for urgent
        stuff, you
        should better use 3.16.

        On 09.03.21 13:32, Martin Bittens wrot:
        > Hello QGIS User List, i
        > I already sent this message but it was not posted, so it is
        here again.
        > Hopefully it works now.
        > I am still struggling with the problem creating a legend
        for a raster
        > layer. Usually I am working with the following settings in
        order to
        > colorize a calculated raster layer (e.g. after applying
        v.surf.idw on a
        > point data set):
        > - rendering type: singleband pseudocolor
        > - interpolation: linear
        > - mode: equal interval
        > In QGIS 3.18.0:
        > Selecting an appropriate color ramp and applying a
        classification in,
        > e.g., 5 classes, I see in the "Layer Properties -
        Symbology" window the
        > 5 colored classes separately and the corresponding 5 values
        (in my case
        > temperatures) for each color coding. But in the "Layer
        Panel" the legend
        > shows the color coding as a continuum and only the first
        and last value
        > of the value range appears. The same thing happens in the
        layout manager
        > when I create a layout for printing which includes a legend.
        > In QGIS 3.16.4 LTR and previous versions:
        > Doing the same I get the 5 color classes separately and the
        > corresponding values for each of the 5 classes in the
        "Legend Panel"as
        > well as in the layout manger.
        > My question: Is this a bug in the new QGIS version or does
        QGIS 3.18 not
        > provide this functionality anymore?
        > Thanks a lot for a comment.
        > Regards
        > Martin
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