Nobody on this??

I need help

Le jeu. 11 mars 2021 à 17:27, Marc Millas <> a écrit :

> Hi, I just reinstall a full osgeo4W64 distro on a w10 machine. (with qgis
> 3.16.4)
> I have created 2 simple projects with qgis desktop
> 1) with only an osm standard map
> 2) with the same map+ 2 layers out of postgres12//postgis3.1  one layer
> polygon ; one layer  point
> I do setup the project qgisserver properties, so as to limit the size of
> the map , ...
> I have a fresh, working, apache24 installed on the same w10 machine
> (apache lounge distro)
> So, I try to follow some docs to test the qgisserver capabilities.
> I modified the http.conf file, and run the WMS getcapabilities test
> suggested in the doc. fine, I get an xml doc stating various things. ok.
> Then I try the getmap test using my just created qgis projects.
> 1) looks like that 3xx version of qgis server dont know the qgz format. So
> back to qgis to save each project in a qgs format. (I found nothing  in the
> doc about this)
> 2) now when I run the getmap test out of the same browser, I get a white
> rectangle of the size asked for in the getmap request, in a wholly black
> landscape.
> -looking at apache log, I found for each test a set of errors coming from
> qgis-mapserv.fcgi.exe saying that the .exe didnt found proj.db
> after a little internet digging, I did setup PROJ_LIB pointing to
> the C:\OSGeo4W64\share\proj
> directory where the osgeo installer put the proj.db file
> Rerun the getmap test.
> nothing changes.
> also if I run the getmap request with the qgis-server instead of the
> qgis_mapserv.fcgi.exe tool, I get a simple "url not found" apache message.
> looks like I need some help
> thanks,
> regards,
> Senior Architect
> +33607850334
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