from your screenshot I would guess that there is already a field named
DEVS_D present, here's why:
In the expression field you have to enter the VALUE you want to be
calculated for the field, so if for example you want to create a new field
named DEVS_D and assign the value 1 to all rows, then you have to simply
type: 1 (and not DEVS_D = 1).
By entering DEVS_D = 1, the expression "DEVS_D=1" is evaluated and a
true/false value is returned, ie for rows that the EXISTING field DEVS_D is
1 you will get a 1 while for those that DEVS_D is not 1 you will get a 0.
Now, if there is no field named DEVS_D, then the expression would not
validate and on the preview you would get a "Expression is invalid" and OK
would be grayed out.

If this is indeed the case, then I would classify it as a bug, since
insufficient information is returned regarding the cause of failure.


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