Dear List,

if I import a gpx file via "Data source manager", I get a group with two layers:

1. "track_points" as PointZ layer

2. "tracks" as MultiLineStringZ

The "tracks" layer contains a field "name" in the attribute table.

This field is not in the "track_points layer".

Is there a way to add the field "name" in the "track_point" layer, so that every point has the track name which he belongs to?

I need this to create a map with hiking signs of the tracks. I use the field "name" to get the relation between hiking signs and the tracks.

Basically it works, but I have overlapping SVG signs in the map.

To avoid this overlapping, I try to use the "point displacement" in the "Symbology" menu. But I'm not sure if it will work. Maybe there is a better way to avoid the overlapping.

Thank you for you help!



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