I have just tried this whilst working with some Openstreetmap data downloaded using the OSM Downloader plugin, and loaded into QGIS (3.16.9) directly from the .osm XML file.

The 'osm lines' layer has a highway attribute with 16 unique values and NULLs. Using Select by Expression with the following:

 "highway" NOT IN ( 'bridleway' , 'cycleway' , 'footway' )

correctly selected rows with different values to these, but not the NULL rows. To include NULLS, try this:

 coalesce( "highway",'') NOT IN ( 'bridleway' , 'cycleway' , 'footway' )

Creating a virtual layer using the following SQL:

SELECT * FROM "osm lines" WHERE highway NOT IN ( 'bridleway' , 'cycleway' , 
'footway' )

Returned the same set of rows as the first expression, again without the NULLs.

These results are what I would expect, I am not sure why yours differ.



On 07/07/2021 08:23, Andrew Hughes wrote:
*CAUTION:* This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.
Hi All,

I can't for the life of me figure out why I can't "Select all features that are *_NOT_* an alley, drive-through, driveway.... "

I am trying to use "Select by Expression".

The attribute I am trying to filter with is called "tag_service" and has 77 distinct values, including NULL.

*Q: Why does this expression select nothing?*

    /"tag_service" NOT IN ('alley', 'drive-through', 'driveway',
    'laneway', 'parking_aisle', 'parking')/

Supplementary, the following does select records (but I want the above expression to work):

    /"tag_service" IS NULL or "tag_service" = "service"/

Help would be much appreciated,

Thank you

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Andy Harfoot

Skype: gdi_ajph
Teams: a...@soton.ac.uk

GeoData Institute
University of Southampton
SO17 1BJ


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