I'm writing a Python script to load a "qml" style file.  The following two lines work correctly:
   lyr1 = iface.activeLayer()
but the following two lines cause an error message:
   lyr2 = instance.parameterAsSource(parameters, "INPUT", context)
   AttributeError:  QgsProcessingFeatureSource: object has no attribute 'loadNamedStyle'
    My problem is that
        lyr1 is  a  QgsVectorLayer  but  lyr2 is a QgsProcessingFeatureSource So the issue comes down to how to load a named style file onto a QgsProcessingFeatureSource.   The complete code is below.   Thanks for any advice.   Steve
from qgis import processing
from qgis.processing import alg
from qgis.core import QgsProject
from qgis.utils import iface

@alg(name='getMyStyle', label='load BigPicStyle on the active layer (alg)',
     group='examplescripts', group_label='Example scripts')
@alg.input(type=alg.SOURCE, name='INPUT', label='Input vector layer')
@alg.input(type=alg.STRING, name='theStyle', label='name of style file')
@alg.output(type=alg.STRING, name='OUTPUT', label='output lbl')

def getMyStyle(instance, parameters, context, feedback, inputs):
    Asks for a style name and then loads that style.  By default,
       the layer acted on is the active layer, but a dropdown
       menu lets user choose another layer.
    stylePath = 'C:/Promenade/GIS/data/styles/'
    whichFile = parameters.get('theStyle')
    #  note: lyr1 is QgsVectorLayer;  lyr2 is QgsProcessingFeatureSource
    lyr1 = iface.activeLayer()
    lyr2 = instance.parameterAsSource(parameters, "INPUT", context)
    lyr1.loadNamedStyle(stylePath + whichFile + '.qml')     #this works
    #next line causes AttributeError:
    # 'QgsProcessingFeatureSource' object has no attribute 'loadNamedStyle'
    lyr2.loadNamedStyle(stylePath + whichFile + '.qml')
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