
The SQL-Command
ATTACH DATABASE 'c:\xxx\yyy.sqlite'
doesn't work in the QGIS DBManager (and also not in the layer context menue). The command *does* work in python plugins. Is there another method in the DB Manager to transfer data from a table from one database to another?

Best wishes


FH Aachen       
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Höttges
Fachbereich 2 - Bauingenieurwesen
Wasserwirtschaft und Bauinformatik
Raum 02315
FH Aachen
University of Applied Sciences
Bayernallee 9
52066 Aachen | Germany
T +49 (0)241 6009-51176
F +49 (0)241 6009-51206
hoett...@fh-aachen.de <mailto:hoett...@fh-aachen.de>
Beratungstermin buchen... 

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