Hi Richard, this is not possible, because I have to clip the dataset with a 
whole country - shapefile.
Thank You,

Katrin Schneider
FG Naturschutz & Umweltkommunikation / Fachgebietsleiterin

Unabhängiges Institut für Umweltfragen - UfU -
Büro Halle
korina | Koordinationsstelle Invasive Neophyten in
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Von: Richard McDonnell [mailto:richard.mcdonn...@opw.ie]
Gesendet: Dienstag, 7. Dezember 2021 16:31
An: Katrin Schneider <katrin.schnei...@ufu.de>; qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org
Betreff: RE: is there a way to clip a shapefile without changing it from point 
to multipoints?

Hi Katrin,
You could try just selecting the points of interest and then try
Right Click on Layer

·         Export

·         Save Selected Features As

o   Under Geometry select Point

o   Under SHPT select POINT

I have not tried it, but that should work.


Richard McDonnell MSc GIS, FME Certified Professional
FRM Data Management

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To send me files larger than 30MB, please use the link below 

Email Disclaimer: 
From: Qgis-user 
On Behalf Of Katrin Schneider
Sent: 07 December 2021 15:03
To: qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org<mailto:qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org>
Subject: [Qgis-user] is there a way to clip a shapefile without changing it 
from point to multipoints?

(QGIS 3.20.3)

is there a way to clip a shapefile without changing it from point to 


1.       I had to clip my layer A(points) with shapefile B (polygon). The 
resulting layer C is multipoint despite consisting only of points.

2.       I tried several methods to edit the layer C

a)       Export it as point-shapefile -> error

b)      Multipoint to point -> umlauts/mutated vowels are not readable anymore

Kind regards,

Katrin Schneider
FG Naturschutz & Umweltkommunikation / Fachgebietsleiterin

Unabhängiges Institut für Umweltfragen - UfU -
Büro Halle
korina | Koordinationsstelle Invasive Neophyten in
Schutzgebieten Sachsen-Anhalts beim UfU e.V.

Große Klausstr. 11, 06108 Halle/Saale
Telefon 0345 202 65 30, Fax 0345 685 85 216

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