
from what I read and understand:

1. "with separate layers for boundaries of each plot and unique" If I
understand this correctly, every polygon has a unique layer?
Then Processing -> Toolbox -> Merge vector layers

If I understood this wrong, skip this step.

2. Toolbox -> Join attributes by field value -> Pick your boundaries
layer and the csv and set the common field

3. Layer properties -> Symbology -> Change from Single Symbol to
Categorized -> pick a field from which you can distinct the ownership ->

Good luck

Am 09.12.21 um 17:57 schrieb Miro Lucassen:
Hi, this is probably easy for experienced users, but I am stuck in the 
interface as this is my first project in QGIS.
Aim of project: map of a part of an Dutch municipal authority, marked areas 
that are owned by the local authorities.
Input 1: KML-file of all registered property (kadaster) in the relevant area 
plus a bit more, with separate layers for boundaries of each plot and unique 
ID, including geo-information
Input 2: CSV-file of all property owned by the Municipality in the relevant 
area plus a bit more, with same ID as the general KML-file, no geo-information

I see the map of all property, I have imported the municipality-plots as a 
separate layer, but now what? How do I connect the relevant property to the 
map, and how do I create a visualisation that shows the plots owned by the 

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Miro Lucassen,
The Netherlands
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