Azzurra Lentini <>Tue, 14 Dec 2021 09:49:03 -0800 <>

Hi to all, a student of mine has having this issues during a raster
processing operation (translate). She is using a Qgis 3.16 in mac and she
does not have problems with other raster file operations like slope, shade
etc, but when she wants to transform a raster file  data type floats to
raster file pixel data type Integer, using the command translate, she gets
this error message: do you know what is? I am sure she does not have any
symbols or empty spaces in the paths of her files.

Hi Azzurra,
the only algorithm for raster layers available in the processing toolbox whose name contains the word "translate" is the GDAL raster conversion algorithm "Translate (convert format)".

Instead, the error reported in the log (is only one error repeated several times) is about a GRASS algorithm, not a GDAL algorithm.

Anyway, if the algorithm used is a GRASS algorithm and the output layer CRS is EPSG:3857 "WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator", then this issue has been already reported for macOS and fixed in QGIS 3.22 but not fixed in QGIS 3.16. See and

Best regards.

Andrea Giudiceandrea
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