Peter and list,

On Wed, Dec 15, 2021 at 7:26 AM Peter Devanney <> wrote:

> Hi Folks
> Have a table full of points that I want to buffer by a variable distance.
> The distance is an attribute in the input table in km.
> Using Vector>Geoprocessing>Buffer It works fine if I specify a fixed
> buffer.
> When I run it with the attribute selected it runs fine but it will not
> paint the buffers. At first I thought I had a unit issue so added an
> expression to multiply the attribute by 1000 to get to km from m as I
> wasn't sure if the default was m.
> The buffered output behaves totally normally so I can label, and zoom to
> features... All looks fine except no actual buffers draw. Symbology panel
> looks normal.
> Just wondering if anyone has seen this or knows of a workaround or
> thoughts on what I am doing wrong.
> What is the type of your buffer item?  What are the typical values?

What is your CRS?

Chris Hermansen · clhermansen "at" gmail "dot" com

C'est ma façon de parler.
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