Hi Bernd,

Thanks for your comments. It seems I've misread Byron's problem and assumed that his library is wrapped up into an xml file!

In order to use the solution I've provided you need to have an xml "library" file describing the .svg files.
Then you point
Settings -> Style Manager... -> Import/Export -> Import Item(s)... to the xml file not the svg files.

@Byron, open one of your svg files with a text editor. Does the first line starts with "<svg" or is it '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>'?
If not you probably have downloaded html files embedding svg images!


On 13/01/2022 14:32, Bernd Vogelgesang wrote:

Hi Benoit,

I just tried to import the symbols from the page you mentioned which leads to this repository: https://github.com/BC-Consulting/FGDC-4-QGIS/

Now, even with all explanations given, the import seems not to work properly.

no matter what path I add for the FDGC folder (just the .../FDGC or the .../FDGC/svg path) , on import, it says, that

- the symbols are already there and gives the option to overwrite or skip,

This is "normal" behaviour, so just say "overwrite"

- the option to add comma-separted tags (e.g. Geology) does not work, and no tag at all is given

- all symbols are just question marks

Are those guidelines just precisely unprecise, or am I just to dumb to understand whats asked from me?



Am 13.01.22 um 07:56 schrieb info:

Hi Byron,

Settings -> Style Manager... -> Import/Export -> Import Item(s)...

See https://www.geoproc.com/be/qgis-fgdc.htm for more info.

Best regards,

On 12/01/2022 23:12, Firstname Lastname wrote:
i have download a geologic symbol library from Rod Holcolme, a geology prof in australia.  i have set up the path for the files via the Options>system>.svg path. 
this seems to have linked to the directory, but i can not figure out how to see the files. 
within the directory, there are several files that show up as microsoft edge html files with the file types as shown below.  


Can anyone help me to get these imported.  i can not get them imported .
thanks for your help
Byron Veilleux, MSc. P.Geo
Conjugate Geologic Services Limited
Calgary, Alberta Canada

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