Good day

I am looking at the keyboard shortcuts settings, specifically the ability to load a set of shortcuts from a file.

As far as I can tell, there is no global settings or ini file that stores all the shortcuts for the software. Instead, there is an option to create a file by saving it from the keyboard shortcuts dialog box, and this file can then be loaded back in at some future time.

As it looks to me now, I can't see a way in which it might be possible to wipe out all the existing settings before loading this file, or having the file that is loaded completely replace all of the existing shortcuts. In other words, loading that file appears to add to the already defined shortcuts.

My preference would be to have some simple way to load all the settings from a file to avoid having to manually customise the existing shortcuts each time (in this case to remove the three single letter shortcuts that appear to be default allocations in the user interface). Is there any way of achieving this?

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