Hi Roland I have not tried that checkbox bug just save your joined layer and 
you can edit the resultant file. Kirk SchmidtSent from my Galaxy
-------- Original message --------From: Roland Berger via Qgis-user 
<qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org> Date: 2022-05-15  5:25 a.m.  (GMT-04:00) To: 
qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org Subject: [Qgis-user] How to make joined fields 
    Hi, I have a point vector layer A and joined some fields from a
    table B. Now I would like to edit values in B by looking at the
    attribute table of A. In the 'Edit Vector Join' Dialog' of A I have
    ticked the checkbox 'Editable join layer'. If I now try to edit the
    attribute table of A the joined fields of B are shown but still not
    What does this checkbox 'Editable join layer' in the 'Edit Vector
    Join' Dialog really do?
    What do I have to do to make joined fields editable?
    Thanks for any help.
    Layer A is in a Postgis database. Table B is in a Geopackage File

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