to quote my favorite movie: "Rock and Roll, hello Cleveland!"


    On Tuesday, June 21, 2022 at 04:39:28 PM EDT, Sebastian Gutwein 
<> wrote:  
 And even easier is to put them all in a group then copy the style from one 
layer and paste it onto the group. This will apply the style to all layers in 
the group. 

On Tue, Jun 21, 2022 at 3:22 PM Thayer Young via Qgis-user 
<> wrote:

 A method that is a little easier than saving out the style file, is that you 
can just right click on the layer that you styled, then third from the bottom 
in the menu select:   Styles: Copy Style: All Style CategoriesAnd then you can 
paste the style to the rest of your layers using:  Styles: Paste Style: All 
Style Categories

    On Tuesday, June 21, 2022 at 03:00:36 PM EDT, <> wrote: 
i have four different geologic maps that i have imported as shapefiles.
The files have filled polygons that have the name of the geologic formation
in the attribute tables.  i would like to have a common colour for each
polygon of identical age/name for all the map sheets.  Each map sheet has a
similar list of formations, but some of the formations are different for
each map sheet.
What is the most efficient way to make the identically named polygons
displayed with the same colour?  Should i add a column in each attribute
table and put a formation code in for each one manually or can i add an RGB
colour for each formation in the attribute table? or, do i need to
categorize and  classify these in the layer properties table after i have
added formation code in the attribute table?
i hope that my question is clear.

Byron Veilleux, MSc. P.Geo
Conjugate Geologic Services Limited
Calgary, Alberta Canada
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Sebastian "Bas* " Gutwein*rhymes with Josh 

Regenerative Design Group
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(631) 241-1018

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