*Klaus Mithöfer*
/Tue Jun 28 06:54:55 PDT 2022/
how the grid snapping work?

Hi Klaus,
the QgsMapToPixelSimplifier Class [1] gives a hint about what the "Simplify" algorithm "Snap to grid" method do:


The simplification uses a grid (similar to ST_SnapToGrid) to remove duplicate points.

The code used for the "Snap to grid" method is at [2].

Another algorithm that snaps the vertex to a grid is the "Snap points to grid" [3], but this doesn't actually simplify the geometries, just simplifies the coordinates of the geometries.


Andrea Giudiceandrea

[1] https://api.qgis.org/api/3.22/classQgsMapToPixelSimplifier.html#a0b97d82a3abd0876ce529ba9d9cfd412 [2] https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/blob/e113457133fe5d7c3f5e3b90a2795b8b691ae269/src/core/qgsmaptopixelgeometrysimplifier.cpp#L183-L229 [3] https://docs.qgis.org/3.22/en/docs/user_manual/processing_algs/qgis/vectorgeometry.html?highlight=simplify#snap-points-to-grid
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