Hi Marian,
I advise you, for the future, to avoid sending e-mail messages to a mailing list user personal e-mail address (unless requested) and instead please always prefer to send the message/replay to the mailing list e-mail address. Moreover, better to avoid attach big files to an e-mail message (better to specify a link to an online resource).

Looking at the provided ESRI Shapefile layer, it seems to me the issue is due to the fact that in addition to the typical ESRI Shapefile files (.shp, .shx, .dbf, .prj, ...) are also present the non standard .idm and .ind files which contain the "attribute indexes as a mapinfo format index" [1].

If you remove such .idm and and .ind files, then the issue will not occur with your ESRI Shapefile layer.

What I suppose is that while QGIS, using the GDAL/OGR library, can use such non standard .idm and .ind files for attribute indexes, it (or the GDAL/OGR library) fails to properly update such attribute indexes files when a new feature is added to the layer. You can check this just looking at such files modification time in you file system when a new feature is added to the layer: such files are not modified.

Best regards.

Andrea Giudiceandrea

[1] https://gdal.org/drivers/vector/shapefile.html#spatial-and-attribute-indexing
Il 22/07/2022 21:54, Tudorache, Marian ha scritto:

Hi Andrea,

Thank you for your answer.

I attach the an archive with the shapefile in question.

I also attached a video to see what is going on.
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