
My employer is moving from "traditional" network shares to a 100% Sharepoint/MS Teams solution.

The idea behind Sharepoint (and OneDrive) is that the content (files) is synchronised between server and local PC's.
1. For large files this means a lot of network traffic on each single edit.

2. The path to a dataset (geopackage, shapefile, geotiff) to be used in a QGis project (.qgz) is the local path b(c:\users\*joe*\data\etc). However, when Joe's college Jane opens this QGis project the next day, the data is synchronized to her local path (c:\users\jane\data\etc.), but the QGis project file (.qgz) is still pointing to c:\users\joe, which doesn't exist on Jane's laptop)

a. Microsoft used to advertise a way to make drive mappings to Sharepoint sites. That solution was based upon an Internet Explorer library, and is no longer supported. I tried to use it; it's clumsy and unreliable.

b. 3rd party solutions like ZeeDrive (https://www.thinkscape.com/Map-Network-Drives-To-Office-365-OneDrive/) and CloudDriveMapper (https://www.iamcloud.com/cloud-drive-mapper/).

I haven't tried these solutions yet, bu will do so somewhere this month.

By the way, also on the "commercial side of Planet GIS" (Esri's ArcGIS) there's no solution for this problem (yet):

The problems as described on that Esri support page are prette much the same as in QGis+Sharepoint. The so-called "solution or workaround" is hardly to be taken seriously by a professional GIS user

Apart from the Sharepoint-problems as described above, Geopackages are not designed for a multi-user environment.

Kind regards,


On 5-8-2022 19:49, chris hermansen via Qgis-user wrote:
Guido and list,

On Fri, Aug 5, 2022 at 6:35 AM Guido Häfliger via Qgis-user <qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org> wrote:


    We are discussing in our company to switch from local
    fileserver/NAS to Sharepoint (hosted in cloud). Will QGIS-projects
    and geopackages work on sharepoint environment or do we have to
    expect a lot of troubles? Have anybody experience with QGIS and
    geopackages on sharepoint? Will we encounter problems if
    geopackages are opened by several users?

I can't speak to the use of QGIS with Sharepoint, but we've tried using both QGIS and ESRI products with Google Drive for Desktop and the name remapping done by GDD in Windows Explorer is not picked up by the file manager component used by them; so the file names do not appear as expected.

I've run across the same thing with QGIS and the Google Drive - Nautilus connection in GNOME / Linux and not found a solution.

I suggest you try before you buy.

Chris Hermansen · clhermansen "at" gmail "dot" com

C'est ma façon de parler.

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