Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone has a fix for a minor annoyance.

When using graduated symbology, if I want to change the number of classes
from the default 5 to something else, there's an easy field to update. If
I'm changing it to a double digit number, or changing a double digit number
to a different double digit number, the number of classes is updated as
soon as I make the first key stroke.

for example to turn 10 into 15, QGIS calculates 10 -> 1 -> 15.

I can turn off automatic updating of the map which saves some time, but it
still needs to calculate the class breaks.

Just wondering whether there's a fix I'm not seeing or whether it's worth
logging an issue about.

This is on 3.22.

image of the graduated symbology interface in case it clarifies what I'm
talking about.

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