Darn ! I missed one of the postings about you setting the file in read-only on the NAS. So this is an already known work-around. Sorry about the noise.

-------- Videresendt meddelelse --------
Emne: Re: [Qgis-user] [EXTERNAL] Re: Geopackage slow on NAS if not read-only
Dato:   Thu, 16 Mar 2023 14:35:16 +0100
Fra:    Bo Victor Thomsen <bo.victor.thom...@gmail.com>
Til:    qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org

When any user on your network access the geopackage layer and (maybe unnecessarily) puts the layer in edit mode, there will be created 2 extra files in the same directory as the gpkg file resides in. And QGIS behaves different regarding /both/ read and write operations when these file are present. This is probably the explanation of the longer reading times, even if nobody actually is editing the layer. When the user stops the editing mode for the layer, the 2 files disappear.

You can check if this is the explanation:

1. Open the gpkg layer in read mode on one computer, check the access
   speed of the same layer on /another/ computer.
2. Set the layer in edit mode on the first computer, check the access
   speed to the layer on the second computer
3. Revert the edit mode on the first computer, check the access speed
   to the layer on the second computer.

I am guessing, that situations 1 and 3 are fast, while situation 2 is slow.

First of all: Never, ever try to implement some kind of multi-user editing on a file based format, where the file resides on a networked drive. It will never, ever work reliably. At some point 2 users will try to edit the same layer at the same time and it will go kaboom (I can read from your mails that you are aware about this). This goes for - probably - every file based format on a network drive.

Secondly: What about making the gpkg file read-only at the network share level for most of the users. And only granting write access to the gpkg file for certain users that are instructed in /not/ setting the layer in edit mode unless it's strictly necessary ?

The best solution: Install Postgres/PostGIS on your NAS

Med venlig hilsen / Best regards

Bo Victor Thomsen

Den 16-03-2023 kl. 13:49 skrev Árni Geirsson via QGIS-User:
Thank you for the various responses.
Let me be clear that what I am griping about is not the locking aspect that would allow multiple users to edit without conflict. I fully understand that the geopackage is not safe for that, nor is the shapefile and perhaps also the file geodatabase. In my case, the likelihood of two people wanting to edit the same geopackage is negligible, so I take my chances. My only gripe is the rendering speed of larger geopackages on a shared network, if they are not set specifically to read-only. That is not a problem with the shapefile and I think probably not with a file geodatabase. I am a long time user of geopackages in a networked environment and I will continue to use them - they are great - there is just this problem of rendering speed over a network.


On Thu, 16 Mar 2023 at 12:33, Sebastian Gutwein <b...@rdgland.com> wrote:

    This is all beyond my expertise but I have also struggled with the
    effective use of gpkg’s. In my case over google drive.
    Here is what SQLite (the underlying software for gpkgs) says about
    using a SQLite database on a network:

    I hope that someday someone implements a system that allows this
    to work efficiently as gpkgs are better in many respects than
    shapefiles. Perhaps Geodiff could be part of that solution.

    On Thu, Mar 16, 2023 at 8:04 AM Árni Geirsson via QGIS-User
    <qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org> wrote:

        Hi Jorge
        I understand what you are pointing at and I use databases such
        as Postgres/PostGIS also with good results. The thing is that
        working with data in files sometimes has advantages and that
        is certainly how shapefiles have been used. The geopackage has
        been suggested as a replacement for the shapefile in the
        context of regular QGIS usage without any caveat saying that
        geopackages only replace the storage and transfer role of
        shapefiles and that geopackages should not be used for
        editing in a shared environment, as is perfectly possible with
        shapefiles and widely practiced. Not all users have access to
        database systems such as Postgres. I'm just looking for some
        clarity on best practices for the common scenario of working
        with QGIS using file based data in a network environment.


        On Thu, 16 Mar 2023 at 11:47, Jorge Gustavo Rocha via
        QGIS-User <qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org> wrote:


            For data storage and manipulation databases are suitable.
            Files are not.

            Geopackages are wonderful to transfer data between systems
            or to archive an entire project (snapshot of data, styles
            and the project itself).



            On 16/03/23 11:30, Árni Geirsson via QGIS-User wrote:
            Thank you Jarosław. Isn't it strange that this was
            discussed 5 years ago and SMB file sharing is very
            common? Would a linux based NAS be able to use another
            protocol? What are my options for file based data sharing
            in QGIS? Abandoning geopackages is not a realistic option
            for me, but I could get a different kind of NAS unit, if
            that helps, what kind then? What amazes me is how little
            I see this discussed. There was a message in this thread
            this morning from Thomas Struller, but I am not sure it
            is about the same root problem, maybe Thomas can elaborate.
            Should this perhaps be discussed in another forum, closer
            to the development of geopackage/sqlite?

            Árni Geirsson

            On Thu, 16 Mar 2023 at 09:52, Sadowski Jarosław
            <jaroslaw.sadow...@cpk.pl> wrote:

                Long story short: gpkg is bad idea for network drives
                as SMB/NAS etc

                Write-Ahead Logging (sqlite.org)

                writing gpkg and sqlite on samba shares fails · Issue
                #628 · r-spatial/sf · GitHub


                *Jarosław Sadowski*
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                *From:*QGIS-User <qgis-user-boun...@lists.osgeo.org>
                *On Behalf Of *Árni Geirsson via QGIS-User
                *Sent:* Thursday, March 16, 2023 10:18 AM
                *To:* jhubbsl...@att.net
                *Cc:* qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org
                *Subject:* [EXTERNAL] Re: [Qgis-user] Geopackage slow
                on NAS if not read-only

                UWAGA: Ta wiadomość pochodzi spoza CPK Sp. z o.o.
                Proszę pomóż zadbać o bezpieczeństwo naszej
                organizacji. Zastanów się, zanim otworzysz link lub

                Yes, as far as I know, the NAS unit uses SMB as the
                file sharing protocol. I used another NAS from QNAP
                before this one, also using SMB and with the same
                problem. I thought pretty much all of the Linux based
                NAS units were using SMB and if that is the problem,
                it should be widespread, but I don't see any signs of
                that. Is SMB a problem for geopackage?

                I did a quick test in QGIS: A dataset of 178.000 line
                features is rendered in about 1 second from a read
                only geopackage. When I remove the read only flag, it
                is rendered in about 5 seconds.

                If I store the geopackage on the local hard drive,
                the problem disappears, read-write or read-only does
                not matter.

                I have had suspicions about SMB being part of the
                problem but I don't know enough about file access
                deep down in the operating system to understand it.

                Árni Geirsson

                On Thu, 16 Mar 2023 at 01:45, jhubbslist--- via
                QGIS-User <qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org
                <mailto:qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org>> wrote:

                    Árni -

                    Are you using SMB/CIFS to access this NAS, and
                    are you using wifi or Ethernet to connect to it?

                    - Jeff

                    On 3/15/23 3:30 PM, Árni Geirsson via QGIS-User

                        Hello all QGIS and geopackage users.

                        I store my geopackages on a Synology
                        RackStation NAS unit, like all other
                        documents that are kept on a shared drive in
                        the office. For larger datasets, the
                        rendering is very slow, unless I open the
                        properties dialog for the file in Windows and
                        check the read only box. After that, the
                        features are rendered blazingly fast. Nothing
                        else is changed to see the dramatic
                        difference in the rendering speed. Luckily, I
                        don't need to edit many of the larger
                        datasets, such as road networks and elevation
                        contours and the geopackage can be kept read
                        only. Shapefiles are not affected.

                        What explains this and does anyone know how
                        to solve the problem?

                        Do other users experience this?

                        Árni Geirsson


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-- Sent from a phone. Amazing! But possibly garbled. Sebastian
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